Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Last Minute New Years Eve Party

Are you undecided on what to do for New Years? Do I stay in or do I deal with the hassle of a crowded club? I’m sure many of your friends are debating how they should bring the New Year in as well. You and your crowd can party at your place. Many people put off their NYE plans until last minute, so don’t worry about the guest list that much. Last minute parties eliminate the need for paper invites. Sending out evites, texts, calls, tweeting, and (or) facebooking will work wonders. Be sure to ask for RSVPs to plan…last minute parties still leave room for some planning.

Since the highlight of a NYE party is the New Year, the start time should be at 9pm at the earliest. Starting the party at this time eliminates the need for a lot of food. Your guests would have eaten dinner already and aren’t starving . Appetizers are the way to go. Try these easy appetizers. Or you could serve light snacks (mini pizzas, pretzels and chips), then around 10:30 p.m., set out a breakfast buffet.

The best thing about NYE parties is there is no required theme, so get creative!

  • Christmas just passed. Have you taken down the decor? Keep it up and embellish on what you have. 

  •  Embrace the winter, clip some bare branches from your yard and arrange them in sleek vases. If you have time, spray paint the branches white or silver. The branches can then be decorated with icicle ornaments and white lights and be set upon tables throughout the room or can be used as a centerpiece for a dinner table.  Continue the white and silver theme to napkins and dishes (paper or porcelin). Add some bling with glitter and (or) confetti.  

  • 007 anyone? Black and silver or gold are excellent options for a New Year's Eve party.  Accessories in these colors can be found easily and make for an elegant New Year's Eve party. Use black dishes and napkins with silver or gold flatware, provide black "top hats" and silver or gold crowns (available at most party supply stores), and ask that your party guests dress up in black tie and evening attire to carry the theme even further.

  • Leftover holiday paper is used for streamers
  • Instead of streamers, or along with streamers, use curling ribbon to make a room look extra fancy. You can also make paper chains!
  • Fill balloons with confetti (use a funnel). You can pop these at midnight for some extra celebrating. Another fun idea is to write out 'fortunes' on small slips of paper and pop one into each balloon.
  • Dim your lights and flood the house with votive candles. Candles are the most romantic and cost effective way to create a festive, sexy atmosphere! :::Tip::: To make your candles burn longer, put them in a zip lock bag in the freezer the day before your party.
  • Buy pink bulbs at any local home store (for example, Home Depot) and swap them into your lamps for the night; you will be amazed at the difference it makes and the atmosphere it creates!

   What’s a NYE party without drinks???

On New Year's Eve, serve a specialty drink at the start of the party  and champagne at midnight, and then invite your guests to BYOB their favorites. As the host, be sure to provide all the setups, such as soda, tonic, soft drinks, lemons, limes, etc.

Create a Specialty Cocktail
The secret to creating glamorous cocktails is all in the packaging. Give it a fun name (and announce it with a sign at the bar), a pretty glass, and chic garnish, and everyone will want to partake. Making one specialty drink is also a great way to save money on wine, which costs much more drink-for-drink when serving a crowd.

                                                  :::Champagne Drink Ideas:::

Lava Lamp
- 6 oz chilled champagne (or sparkling wine)
- 1 tbsp Ocean Spray Craisins Sweetened Dried Cranberries
- 1/6 oz fresh lemon juice

Pour chilled champagne (or sparkling wine) into a champagne flute. Add sweetened dried cranberries. Let it sit for a moment. Cranberries will begin to slowly float up and down in glass. Serve while chilled.

Check out Cocktail Times for the recipe to create a Junior Lava Lamp, the non alcoholic alternative to Lava Lamp. 

 Champagne Dessert Bar???
  1. Pomegranate Sangria by Bobby Flay-Try substituting Trader Joe’s Cranberry Hibiscus juice for the pomegranate juice  and using fresh cranberries
  2.  White Peach Cassis Champagne Float-super-easy & refreshing dessert that's part Kir Royale, part peach parfait, and looks amazing! 
  3. Jellied Champagne Dessert Recipe- features lemon sorbet, champagne, and citrus vodka.
  4. Champagne Granita by Bobby Flay- features champagne, sugar, & lemons.
  5. Champagne Infused Strawberry Soup by Marcus Samuelson- features strawberries, champagne, lemon, mint leaves, & lime sorbet. 

                               Haute ideas for the last night of the year
In Spain, revelers mark the new year by quickly eating a dozen grapes at midnight. The fruit is said to be a predictor of the year ahead: Each sweet grape represents a good month, each sour grape a less-than-lucky one. Adopt the tradition by threading grapes onto skewers, and serve each in a glass of Champagne just before the countdown. Courtesy of Martha
At midnight, kissing may begin to bring the new year in. So place mints in your bathroom to keep things fresh!
Have phone numbers on-hand for your local taxi cab companies in case some of your guests need a lift home.

Have a hangover readiness kit as party favors…include BC powder or Ibuprofen, vitamin C, and bottled water.